How to protect Building information modelling (BIM)?

Over the past decade, the architecture, engineering, construction and Operations (AECO) industry has undergone several developments, particularly in the area … Continued

What are the new provisions of the April 17, 2019 European Directive on copyright?

Aside from including related rights for press publishers and press agencies, and rebalancing relations between rights holders and content sharing … Continued

Fragrance and Intellectual Property: which protection?

 Fragrance is nowadays a very important economic interest whether in art, luxury or marketing industry. Faced with such interests, how … Continued

Artists: how can you defend your freedom of artistic expression?

In a decision handed down on 23 February 2021, the Paris Court of Appeal offers some guidelines in copyright infringement, … Continued

Towards increased protection for authors and performers: what does Directive 2019/790 bring to the harmonization of contract chains?

The Copyright Directive n° 2019/790 of April 17, 2019 is a milestone in strengthening the protection for authors and performers. … Continued

The pseudonym: what protection?

As an Alias adopted to preserve anonymity, the pseudonym is frequently used in the public sphere for commercial purposes. This … Continued

Towards the protection of culinary creations by certificate?

To the delight of our taste buds, flavors and gourmet creations are part of our daily lives, but from a … Continued

UK : a new IP law

Like every “wash-up period” preceeding the dissolution of the British Parliament and the election of a new one, this latest … Continued