Disputes regarding domain names and : it is now possible to act before the WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Centre.

The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), registry of the <.CN> and <.中国> ccTLDs, has designated WIPO to provide dispute … Continued

Effectively combating the sale of counterfeit products online

The sale of counterfeit products currently represents 2.5% of global imports according to the OECD, amounting to more than USD 460 billion. Up to 5% of goods imported into the European Union are counterfeited goods. The sale of these counterfeited products concerns a range of industries, from luxury products and technological products to consumer goods.

New tools to fight against cybersquatting of .vn domain names in Vietnam

On June 8th, 2016, a new memo was issued in Vietnam in respect of .vn domain names that do not respect the 2005 Law on Intellectual Property.


To fight against cybersquatting, the UDRP procedure was first implemented more than 10 years ago to fight against these practices. It is an effective…