IP Litigation Advice

Thanks to its expertise, the Dreyfus firm can advise you on litigation cases.

Advice in litigation cases: In case of unfair competition, how do we assist you during both the pre-litigation and litigation phases?

Unfair competition affects all businesses, most commonly due to the development of the digital economy.

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We have developed a wide range of services to protect and defend our clients’ intangible assets against risks that can cause significant damage to their brand image and market positioning.

The Dreyfus team analyses and forecasts your chances of success in unfair competition actions. We provide our clients with a continuous monitoring service to ensure the security of their assets.

We value amicable settlements. Notably, in the digital field, we regularly assist our clients in deleting or transferring domain names that have been registered unfairly.

What action should you take if your assets are subject to infringement?

In the event of infringement, we immediately inform the infringer, by means of a formal notice, to cease all acts of infringement and any related abusive behaviour. If your products have been counterfeited, Dreyfus assists you in the infringement seizure procedure so that the necessary measures are taken to defend your brand image.

Infringement seizure serves as an effective tool to establish an infringement claim as it allows you a bailiff, with the judge’s authorisation, to gather evidence from the suspected infringer’s document.

The firm’s team provides you with an overview of your chances of success in all types of litigation such as trademark, domain name or copyright infringement actions.

How to evaluate and value your industrial property assets?

Any company wishing to maximise its profits must carry out periodic and systematic checks, such as audits or valuations, of all its industrial property rights.

Dreyfus’ practice covers a wide range of areas, allowing us to have a global and transversal view of the potential value of your asset, and provide the best advice in cases of litigation. The audit of your intellectual property assets is an essential step in anticipating risks such as conflicts relating to the ownership of assets or the expiry of certain unused trademarks.

An audit also provides an accurate visualisation of the statuses of your rights, which is essential in the contexts such as business transfers. Similarly, an audit identifies and monitors assets which are often overlooked in internal evaluations, even though they constitute real added value to your business.

We thus carry out two fundamental actions:

   ♦   Accurate evaluation of your intellectual property rights: we assist you in the evaluation of your intellectual property assets and the related risks and opportunities. Through an in-depth audit, we can detect potentially dangerous situations for your business, and determine the possibilities and risks related to your intellectual property. These audits will be a valuable asset in negotiations for licensing or assignment agreements.

  ♦  The strategy of valuing your intellectual property rights: Dreyfus draws up personalised recommendations to help you utilise your rights in the most effective way.