The lovelinesss of the European Union: to obtain in one Member State a declaration of counterfeiting for acts committed in another Member State

CJEU – September 5, 2019 AMS Neve Ltd, Barnett Waddingham Trustees, Mark Crabtree c/. Heritage Audio SL, Pedro Rodríguez Arriba, … Continued

Recognition of the right to renew a European Union trademark by way of the introduction of successive requests for partial renewal.

Nissan is the owner of a figurative Community trademark “CVTC” for which registration was sought in classes 7, 9 and 12. Nissan requested the renewal…

Google AdWords – Evolution of the trademark protection policy in the countries of the European Union and EFTA as from September 14, 2010

Google has decided to change its AdWords policy in the countries of the European Union and EFTA so that it is close to the one already in place in most other countries. This change took place as from September 14, 2010.