How could Louis Vuitton, a well-known brand, fail to prevent the registration of a competing trademark?

On November 2, 2020 Louis Vuitton Malletier filed an opposition against the application for registration of the figurative mark “LOVES … Continued

How did Miley Cyrus manage to register her eponymous trademark despite the existence of the earlier Cyrus trademark?

Some cases are interesting because of the judicial outcomes, others because of the reputation of the Parties in the proceedings, … Continued

COMPUTER GRAFICS – Modification of the opposition procedure in France: an increased protection for the right holders

Modification of the opposition procedure in France: an increased protection for the right holders

Opposition is a crucial procedure to ensure the protection of trademarks. It is a way to solve potential disputes quickly, … Continued

No likelihood of confusion for the juxtaposition of a corporate name with a prior trademark: ECOLAB / KAIROS ECOLAB.

It was after a lengthy procedure that the French Supreme Court, the Cour of Cassation, in its judgment delivered by the Commercial Chamber on November 14, 2018, held that there was no likelihood of confusion between the prior mark ECOLAB and the contested mark KAIROS ECOLAB.

The importance of entering the change of a corporate name with the Trademarks Register

A recent ECJ ruling highlights the need for businesses to record any changes affecting their trademarks with the Trademarks Register.

The importance of entering the change of a corporate name with the Trademarks Register

A recent ECJ ruling highlights the need for businesses to record any changes affecting their trademarks with the Trademarks Register.

Compulsory submission of trademark opposition via E-Service in France

Motivated by the will to facilitate access to intellectual property, the French national institute of intellectual property issued a decision on April 15th, 2016 on the technical aspects of opposition proceedings.

Trademark law reform in Rwanda: the ministerial order of March 17th 2016

Rwanda’s intellectual property legislation has been undergoing a wave of reform and modernization for a couple of years now. Indeed, a number of changes…

La difficile opposition à une demande de marque figurative sans prononciation ni contenu conceptuel devant le Tribunal de Première instance des Communautés Européennes (TPICE)!

Le TPICE a validé le rejet de l’opposition à une demande de marque figurative opéré par l’Office de l’Harmonisation dans le Marché Intérieur (ci-après OHMI) et sa chambre des recours le 17 mai 2013. Le 13 juin 2006, la société Mundipharma AG a demandé l’enregistrement de la marque figurative suivante: L’enregistrement a été demandé pour la classe 5, à savoir…