A brand new feature for domain names with the extension in <.fr> is running. Allowing the registration of IDNs (Internationalized Domain Names), the AFNIC increases the number of allowed characters for the creation of domain names with the six extensions administered by said association (<.fr>, <.re>, <.tf>, <.wf>, <.pm> and <.yt>). Indeed, it will soon be able to count on 30 additional letters such as, à, á, â, ã, ä, å, æ, ç, è, é, ê, ë, ì, í, î, ï, ñ, ò, ó, ô, õ, ö, ù, ú, û, ü, ý, ÿ.

In order to overcome “cybersquatting” to which this development could give rise, the AFNIC has taken some steps. On last February 3, 2012, the AFNIC published on its website, a document which details, in addition to technical specifications, how to register IDNs (http://www.afnic.fr/medias/documents/afnic-idn-technical-specifications.pdf). The essential to retain:

–          on next May 3, 2012, a period called “sunrise” will offer to domain names’ holders, the possibility of registering in priority, their equivalents with the new allowed characters.

–          at the end of this first period on July 3, 2012, anyone will be able to register an IDN since it is consistent with the Charter of AFNIC. The rule “first come, first served” will prevail.

Notice to domain names’ holders who are invited to come forward within the “sunrise” period.