“Green” Trademark and Greenwashing

Image generated by DALL E 3 Microsoft version In a context where environmental awareness is continuously growing, the demand for … Continued

Paris Court of Appeal Upholds Copyright in “Lyre” Lamp Case: Key Insights and legal Implications

*Image generated by DALL E 3 Microsoft Version September 27, 2023, Paris Court of Appeal Case No. 21/12348   On … Continued

Enhancing Intellectual Property Strategies in the Metaverse: An Insightful Guide

(*Image generated by DALL E 3 Microsoft version) Web 3.0 and the metaverse represent a new era in the evolution … Continued

The Birkenstock pattern trademark: Balancing tradition and distinctiveness in intellectual property

The history of Birkenstock dates back to 1774 when Johann Adam Birkenstock opened his first shoemaker’s shop in Frankfurt. In … Continued

Trademark Application for Virtual Firearm Rejected

EUIPO, R 275/2023-4, September 13, 2023, TVAR VIRTUÁLNÍ STŘELNÉ ZBRANĚ (fig.) The fourth Board of Appeal of the European Union … Continued

Domain Name Abuse : INTA’s New Definition

Introduction The International Trademark Association (“INTA”) provided a comprehensive and clear definition of “Domain Name Abuse” on May 16, 2023. … Continued

New Trends in Domain Name Infringements in 2023

A lot of work is currently being done to define domain name abuse or domain name Infringements. Domain abuse is … Continued

Copyright and Generative AI

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of artificial intelligence system that can generate text, images, and other media. The … Continued

What are the benefits of IP litigation and how can you make the most of it?

Intellectual property (IP) litigation is an important tool for protecting and enforcing rights in IP assets, such as patents, trademarks, … Continued

What Are The Latest Trends In IT Law And How Can You Leverage Them?

The legal landscape of the tech industry is constantly changing, making it difficult to keep up with the latest developments … Continued