Intersection of AI and Copyright : a groundbreaking Czech ruling

Image generated by DALL E 3 Microsoft version In an emblematic decision that underscores the complex relationship between artificial intelligence … Continued

Evaluation and valorization of Intellectual Property assets

Image generated by DALL-E   In the dynamic and often complex world of intellectual property (IP) management, understanding the value of … Continued

Understanding the New European AI Regulation: Balancing Innovation with Copyright Protection

(*Image generated by DALL E 3 Microsoft version) A paradigm Shift in AI Governance The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act … Continued

The European Union’s AI Act: Pioneering Artificial Intelligence Regulation

(*Image generated by DALL E 3 Microsoft version) Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly integrated into various sectors, significantly impacting … Continued

Deciphering French Copyright Law in the Age of AI: A Critical Analysis of Recent Developments

(*Image generated by DALL E 3 Microsoft version) The rapid emergence of generative artificial intelligence has significantly impacted the intellectual … Continued

Deciphering Brand Confusion: A Deep Dive into Linguistic Analysis in the EU Trademark Law

Introduction: The intersection of language and law in EU Trademark Disputes   In a landmark decision on July 26, 2023, … Continued

Apple Corporation legal challenges to obtain full trademark rights on the generic Granny Smith Apple

Legal Watch: Apple Corporation legal challenges to obtain full trademark rights on the generic “Granny Smith” Apple   In 2017, … Continued

A well-known trademark does not defeat the use of a term in a descriptive manner

A well-known trademark does not defeat the use of a term in a descriptive manner   According to a decision … Continued

The UDRP is not a suitable forum for resolving cases of possible defamation

The UDRP is not a suitable forum for resolving cases of possible defamation   This dispute reflects the conflict of … Continued

ICANN’s Proposed Options for Launching the Second Round of “New gTLDs”

ICANN’s Proposed Options for Launching the Second Round of “New” gTLDs”   As a result of ICANN’s initiative, new gTLDs … Continued