The UDRP does not constitute an alternative to an unsuccessful buyout attempt

The UDRP does not constitute an alternative to an unsuccessful buyout attempt   The UDRP stands for the Uniform Domain-Name … Continued

Trademark applications are not sufficient to demonstrate prior rights  

Trademark applications are not sufficient to demonstrate prior rights     On November 10, 2022, a court decision reaffirmed some fundamental … Continued

VeriSign: Increase in registration deposits despite the pandemic epidemic

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Verisign Domain Name Brief : Increased Registration Filings despite pandemic outbreak   In 2022, Verisign, … Continued

Origins and limitations of .brand

Origins and limitations of  “.brand”   On November 10, 2022, AFNIC addressed the announcement of ICANN’s official ten-year developed <.marque> … Continued

Nathalie Dreyfus: International Trademark Expert Appointed by the Court of Cassation

Nathalie Dreyfus was appointed as an expert in industrial property and trademarks by the French Court of Cassation (French High … Continued

Trademark cancellation and opposition: EUIPOs SQAP audit improves the quality of its decisions

On the 1st, 14th, and 15th of March, the third audit of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), known … Continued

Embracing Digitization: Dreyfus goes green with Dreyfus IPWeb

Dreyfus IPWeb The digitization of businesses has been significantly propelled by the European “eIDAS” Regulation No. 910/2014, enacted on July … Continued

The European Unitary Patent: Simplifying and Harmonising Patent Protection

Introduction A patent gives its owner the exclusive right to prohibit others from manufacturing, using, selling, or offering for sale … Continued

Unicorn companies use short domain names

Unicorns, those private companies characterized by innovation and whose valuation reaches or exceeds one billion dollars, prefer short domain names … Continued

The need to establish a real link between domain names when the complaint targets multiple defendants

WIPO, D2022-3002, October 27, 2022, Fenix International Limited c/o Walters Law Group vs. private registry operator, Privacy Protect, LLC (, … Continued