business-dreyfus-81-150x150Since June 11, 2013, the Luxemburg domain name registry (DNS-LU) allows claimants to request to “freeze” a given domain name.

The “Dispute entry” is a procedure by which the disputed domain name cannot be traded to someone else for an initial period of 1 year. The freezing period can be extended for an additional period of 6 months, provided the claimant submits a formal request for this purpose. This freezing period must allow to resolve the dispute between the claimant and the domain name holder.

How to obtain a domain name freezing order?

  • Claimant must provide sufficient evidence that he has rights on the said domain name and/or that its rights have been infringed. The request must be accompanied by documentation proving the claimant’s rights.
  • Claimant must have initiated formal measures against the present domain name holder. More specifically a Dispute request form has to be submitted to DNS-LU.

If the dispute is solved, the claimant must submit a formal trade request to the registrar of his choice. The trade request will be checked and validated by DNS-LU subject to the reception of documents proving the resolution of the dispute in favor of the claimant.

In case of a domain name cancelation during the dispute period and no dispute resolution having taken place, the domain becomes available again for any interested party, without the claimant having a preferential registration right on the domain name.

The introduction of this procedure breaks with the registry’s traditional position. Indeed, DNS-LU is not a legal authority to be involved in disputes or claims associated with domain names and is not involved in such disputes in any way, either in favor of the claimant or in favor of the domain holder. Since the introduction of this procedure, DNS-LU, as registry may, however, assist any claimant who feels that his rights have been infringed by a domain by filing a formal Dispute entry.

In case of conflict with a .lu domain name you may contact us and we will guide you through the procedure!