consulting2“You may create what you wish as long as you respect the trends…”

It is expected from stylists to make dramatic changes to the fashion world through evermore extravagant clothing lines, yet it is common for their inspiration to be restrained by the commercial pressure of ongoing trends. And by doing so, this can blur the line between imitation and original creations. A conference will take place to discuss the legal issues regarding this paradox on Friday 7th of November at the Library of the Paris Bar Association.

The conference will be chaired by the Joseph Ltd legal director Catherine Palmer, as well as many participants.

Most notably, Nicolas Martin Director of Intellectual Property Hermès, Fabrizio Jacobacci, Attorney-at-law and founder of the firm Jacobacci & Associati as well as an expert on issues relative to the protection of fashion products. But also Nathalie Dreyfus, Founder of the firm Dreyfus & Associés, and expert of the Arbitration and Mediation Centre , WIPO and the National Arbitration Forum (NAF), Alexander Rozycki, Barrister specializing intellectual property law, 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square and finally Annabelle Gauberti, Founder of Crefovi law firm, specializing in fashion and luxury law (Paris and London), and president of the International Association of Lawyers for Creative Industries (ialci).

It is safe to say that the future of fashion, on the intellectual property perspective but also its creativity may become a serious concern…