Domain name registrations are constantly increasing, reaching a growth rate of 3.5% in 2018. Domain names represent a valuable business asset for companies as they are the gateway to websites related to their activity. From now on, protecting domain names associated with the company’s trademark or activity has become almost as important for the company as protecting its trademarks. In addition, domain names are an important mean for cyberattacks and as a consequence they require vigilance from domain names owners and Internet users.

Alternative dispute resolution procedures (such as UDRP) remain for the time being the most appropriate solution, rather than through the courts, to resolve disputes related to these valuable assets. Moreover, domain name disputes have recently increased. Due to the anonymization of WHOIS forms, which are intended to comply with the GDPR, access to the data of the domain name owner are almost impossible. As a result of this absence of data, it is now more difficult to request the domain name owner to transfer the disputed domain name, which leads to an increase of UDRP procedures. In view of the growing importance of domain names, new systems must be designed such as procedures for lifting anonymity.

As a result of the increasing value of domain names, new questions emerge. Why are domain names both a valuable business and a risk factor? What are the impacts of cyberattacks on domain names? How to resolve domain name disputes? How to prevent domain name related risks?

In its April 2019 issue, “Expertises” magazine devotes an interview to Nathalie Dreyfus, who answers all the questions of Sylvie ROZENFELD related to domain names.

Here is a brief overview:

“The domain name continues to represent an important intangible asset of the company, although sites are increasingly accessed through search engines or social networks. It has become almost as important as a brand. It also represents a risk, a factor of vulnerability for companies. Cyber threats are more numerous and more complex, such as the pursuit of reservists. More than ever, surveillance is needed with the implementation of risk mapping and a defence strategy. »

Read the full interview here: Expertise n°445.