How do you protect a trademark in the metaverse?

As a new technology of the future digital world, the metaverse has become important to society and to such an extent and rapid pace, that many companies are entering this new world and making their goods available there.

There is no official definition of what metaverse is. The vision of the Metaverse is to allow us to build a digital representation of anything in the physical world. Furthermore, this technology can be defined as a virtual world where individuals interact through the use of Avatars.

Although full of opportunities and promises, the metaverse raises some legal questions, especially when it comes to trademark law. And because the metaverse is a combination of new digital technologies , few answers are given by National or European courts.


On September 13, 2022, in the webinar “Trademarks and Designs in the metaverse: legal aspects/EUIPO practice” trademarks and designs in the metaverse was discussed.

Lots of companies and individuals have decided to take a step forward by entering the metaverse. The metaverse can be considered an extension of the physical world. Consequently, some companies decide to put their products or services into this new world.


What about trademark protection in the metaverse?

Trademark protection in the metaverse begins with the filing of a trademark. To explain this simply, it is at the actual time of filing that protection of a trademark begins.

The choice of wording is therefore essential for the protection of one’s trademark in the metaverse. In fact, the protection goes hand in hand with the list of goods and/or services covered. In this regard, article L.713-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code states that the registration of the trademark confers to its owner a property right in the trademark for the goods and services designated.

However, it can be complicated to register a trademark for the metaverse. In practice, it is indeed difficult to classify goods or services in order to provide proper protection in this new world. The EUIPO, for example, only accepts the registration of goods or services in the metaverse under certain specific classes.

The EUIPO has set out the classes in which individuals/companies can register trademarks in the metaverse. In this respect, an individual wishing to register a trademark for the metaverse will only be able to do so if the registration covers certain classes.
A few examples are outlined here:

For example: class 9 (downloadable virtual goods, i.e., computer programs presenting footwear and clothing for use online in online virtual worlds or collectibles in the form of non-fungible tokens), class 35 (providing an online environment for the exchange of virtual art and virtual tokens), class 36 (financial services including digital tokens) and class 41 (entertainment services, i.e., the provision of virtual environments in which users can interact for recreational, leisure, or entertainment purposes).

In the context of trademark licensing, it is important to ensure that use is authorized or adapted to the virtual world, or, failing that, to ensure future contracts can be adapted accordingly.

One may also wonder what territorial pAll Postsrotection is needed or required in order to protect a trademark in the metaverse. The Internet is by definition free of all borders.

Is a French trademark enough to obtain protection in the metaverse?

No answer has been given by the courts at the moment. However, it can be assumed that the criteria, for determining when a metaverse area/service is directed to a certain audience, would remain the same as for any Web 2 website, such as the proposed language (as an example).

Finally, in order to secure an optimal protection, registering the trademark among decentralized domain names, such as .ETH, has to be foreseen.

National, European and international jurisdictions have understood the importance of the metaverse. As a result, by extending classes, the jurisdictions are allowing the protection of trademarks in this new world.

See also…

Metaverse: is it necessary to register specific trademarks for protection?

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♦ This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.